
• Thu 24 03 2016 / 9:30 pm •
Gala Drop


Gala Drop has been described as post-world music, combining percussive polyrhythms and claustrophobic Krautrock. The group first became more widely known for its experiments with textures, its heady mix of influences, and its relentless dancing sound, which incorporates dub, psychedelia, house, funk, as well as Balearic rhythms in a synthesizer mix. Percussion and vocals by Detroit expat and sometime Parliament collaborator Jerrald James aka Jerry the Cat add a trans-Atlantic dimension: Balearica meets Detroit. While Gala Drop cherry-picks elements of their favorite music from around the world and absorbs it into a singularly idiosyncratic sound, their eclecticism freakishly fuels their identity.

Venue: Bayenwerft Kunsthaus Rhenania e. V., Bayenstraße 28, 50678 Cologne
Day ticket for Grada Kilomba & Gala Drop: 8 €, reduced 5 €