Learning to Listen

• Thu 31 10 2024 / 7:30 – 9:30 pm •
with Lisa Klosterkötter


Every month, the ADKDW invites you to a joint listening session at the Kompakt Record Store of the legendary Cologne label for electronic music. In each session, an invited guest will play selected songs, song fragments, or instrumentals and discusses them from a personal, music-historical, and/or political point of view.

Lisa Klosterkötter has realized various exhibition and performance projects and interventions in exhibition spaces, institutions and public spaces. In collaboration with artists, authors, collectives and experts from various fields, she works on exhibitions, reading series, performance programs and participatory formats that often focus on the immediate, present experience and embed artistic works in an overarching narrative or thematic bracket.

Hanitra Wagner has been working as Co-Head of the ADKDW Residency since end of 2022. Further, she is working as an actress and moderator and has been leading the ADKDW-program series Learning to Listen since 2024. Hanitra is a freelance musician, artist and organizer in and around Cologne. She is interested in the cross-section between pop culture and politics, queer feminist literature, mental health, and holds an honorary seat on the Pop Culture Advisory Board of the City of Cologne.

Learning to Listen Series
In radio broadcasts, podcasts and live events, Learning to Listen deals with forms of listening and non-listening - and the knowledge that can be drawn from them. The main aim of Learning to Listen is to initiate didactic processes intended to help us understand why certain sounds, songs, and narratives are heard and others are not. Together we will reflect on our internalized ways of thinking, of learning to listen and to un-learn.

Date: Thur 31 10 2024 | 7:30 - 9:30 pm
Location: Kompakt Record Store
Address: Werderstr. 15 - 19, 50672 Cologne
In German language
Admission free of charge
The space is accessible without steps