
• Sat 17 09 2022 / 3 pm •
Racism, colonialism and the construction of inequalities with Danielle Almeida


How are racism, poverty and inequality connected? In this workshop, Danielle Almeida offers an introduction to concepts such as structural racism, colonialism, and coloniality. Historical, social, and political perspectives will clarify the role of racism and capitalism in the construction and perpetuation of poverty, social hotspots, and mass killings of Black, indigenous, and migrant populations. We will also look at the role of Abya Yala (pre-colonial name for the American continent) in the systematic enrichment of Europe and in the construction of what we know as Universal History.

The workshop is open to all people interested in a trusting and constructive dialogue and exchange; People of Color, Afro-Germans, refugees, migrants, women and people from the LGBTQIA+ community are especially welcome.

17 09 2022 / 3-7pm
Academyspace, Herwarthstraße 3, 50672 Cologne
In Portuguese with English translation
Registration at
Participation is free of charge